Girls primary school is located in Kisoko sub-county in West
Budama North in Tororo District.
It is 15(fifteen)
Kilometers from Tororo town, on Nagongera Road, 500 meters from Kisoko
sub-county and near St Paul church of Uganda,
It is boarded by two schools that is Kisoko Boys’ primary school and Kisoko
High school.
The school started far
back in 1926 by the church of Uganda. It was for teaching religion and the
first teachers were lay readers.
It continued up to 1926
when it was made a sub-grade school and it was for both girls and boys under
Owor Obadia as a headteacher (a lay reader.)
In 1936, Mr. Rample a
white man took over the school from the church of Uganda and the school was
still for both boys and girls.
In 1938, Mr. Ochieng
Zaphania became the first headteacher of the school as Kisoko school.
In 1940, Madam Najeko
Dina became the first headmistress of the school as Kisoko Girls’ primary
school and Kisoko Boys’ was separated from it, but the two schools remained
under the same Management committee till the year 2001, when the management
committee for both school were separated under madam Owere Odumo as the
headteacher of the school.
school was headed by the following headteachers;-